A person holding a dog The Transition to Inspire A path that provides fair market value for your hospital, offers all of your employees an opportunity for equity, and equips your team with coaching and resources to direct their own future and the future of your practice. Let's Talk   
A person and person in a white coat standing next to cows Start with Why First, you will talk with our CEO, Kimball Carr. We’ll share our perspective, give you a detailed feel for what is to come, and carefully address any concerns you may have. We will talk about your compensation package, work to build an offer that truly inspires you for the future, and address any goals for your team or community that are important to you. If, by the end of this process, this looks like a good fit, you will be given a Letter of Intent to sign. Once signed, and with your blessing, we start to interact with your team. We go on site, meet you and your team in person, and begin to build trust and speak to the road ahead. We will hold a townhall Q&A, introduce your coaches, talk benefits, schedules, and any important issues the team may be concerned about or interested in.  A person in a white coat holding a tablet Open Positions
Slide We, not me In a top-down model, there is a lot of telling that happens once ownership changes. That’s just not a model we believe in. We start by understanding the unique qualities of your practice and employees, and then begin to collaborate on how to make each person and the practice the best possible version of itself. You and your employees control your own destiny, direct the change you want to see, and gain the support to get you there.  A person in a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck When the team is ready, we send in your dedicated Blue Heron medical and operational coaches. Your coaches spend a few days on site and sit down with each individual team member. Our coaches focus on understanding what makes each person unique, what their strengths are, and the passions that inspire them.  Coaches in Your Corner A person and person looking at a tablet
Slide a person wearing purple gloves and a purple scrub holding a dog Your Roadmap Once we understand what the team is passionate about and what makes them unique, we begin to collaborate on your roadmap. We get to the core of the team’s mission, what each member wants to accomplish for themselves, and what, collectively, the team wants for the future of the practice. The kind of future that truly inspires them. Once a detailed roadmap is finalized, the true benefits begin. a group of women holding dogs Open Positions
Slide two women holding dogs and smiling Coaching and mentorship Every single thing we do is about helping people and practices become the best version of themselves. That can take very different shapes, because people are unique, want different things, and are inspired by different visions. But your roadmap is always where we begin to support you. It is what we base all of our coaching and mentorship on, and accomplishing the goals that your team directs in the beginning is how we assess our own value. 

Your coaches meet regularly with your team members, grow their skill sets, and ensure that your people always come first. We are in this for decades, not years. And together, we’ll build a future that you can love. 
a person with a stethoscope examining a dog Open Positions